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Our Department of Exercise and Sport Performance offers programs in Athletic Training and Applied Exercise Science. This information session explores the differences between the two programs, as well as the coursework, research, internships, and interprofessional education at the center of these majors.

You’ll meet faculty from the ESP programs and then tour the Harold Alfond Forum, where you’ll get to experience what courses are like in our classrooms, labs, and athletics facilities.

Biddeford Campus
This event is on UNE's Biddeford Campus. Please arrive a few minutes ahead of time to park and check in at the Harold Alfond Forum.

[{"id":"2504009","eventID":"17984","date":"2024-11-12","max":"100","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-08-14 10:42:19","updatedAt":"2024-08-14 10:42:19","times":[{"id":"14119659","dateID":"2504009","start":"1:00pm","end":"2:30pm","max":"100","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-08-14 10:42:19"}]}]

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